Hi, I'm Leah! And I'm

the 80/20 Catholic.

I help people discover their short, simple path to life-changing healing and growth in the love of God.

"My yoke is easy, and my burden is light." (Matt. 11:30)

Do any of these questions sound familiar?- "I've been a Catholic for a long time — shouldn't I feel something more?"
- "Why am I struggling just as much as my atheist friends?"
- "The saints make no sense, how could I possibly find joy in suffering?"

If you've asked yourself anything like this, I've got great news: Your spiritual life doesn't have to feel like a drag.In business and life, the "80/20 principle" is a recurring pattern where a small, unseen factor makes a big, visible impact.For example, it often happens that 80% of profits come from 20% of customers; 80% of traffic drives on 20% of roads; 80% of money is owned by 20% of people.The proportions don't have to be exact — the principle reminds us we can often get huge results by making the small changes that matter.

That's where I come in.On our first coaching call, I will help you:1) Understand your unique personality structure, so you know precisely how the enemy attacks you2) Find areas of your life where a small effort can bring significant healing and growth3) Identify 1 tiny (30-second) action you can take right now to start seeing results right away

Schedule a free call

(This will be you, stomping demons like it's No Big Deal)

Thank you!

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